Book of Mormon - Mexico City Temple

In Book of Mormon, we read that Jesus visited with the Nephites in a land called "Chalco," and he taught them about these four great commandments. He gave them for a pattern in the fourth commandment, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind." When the Lord visited the Nephites, he appeared to them by the way of a pillar of fire.

As we travel along Mexico's Gulf Coast, we come across an amazing marvel, a restored chapel with this marvelous symbol of the fourth commandment. We witness all the elements of the commandment: love, with "and with all thy might." We also witness the Savior's appearance and his call to the hearts of all to follow him.

Next week, we will continue with the fourth commandment, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." We see it from the lost man who was named Nephi, who was one of the first converts to the gospel in the New World. Nephi was soon joined by his family and he and his father built a magnificent, beautiful home, which they called the House of the Lord. They lived right on the shore of the great Atlantic Ocean.

Here in the United States, we are blessed to have access to the greatest sea in the world, the mighty Atlantic Ocean. It winds its way from Maine to Florida, and from Alaska to South Carolina. And so we will travel along the Gulf Coast to see this amazing sign of the Fourth Commandment. But we should also be thinking about the tremendous battles that were fought along the shores of the Gulf Coast, battles fought by countless thousands of soldiers from all nations of the earth.

There were the fighting men of Israel who battled for the freedom of their homeland, and there were the Mexicans who fought for the freedom of their land, many of whom were only young men, unable to defend themselves against the Indians or the Spaniards. The Mexican culture of the past is almost extinct today. In fact, it is still considered an embarrassment to celebrate Mexican Independence Day, when more than fifty million people are alive and a few years after the Mexican-American War ended.

If you are wondering about the significance of the sign at the Gate of Heaven, we will quickly tell you why this is significant to the fourth commandment, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." This means, we have to be honest with ourselves about our neighbor's behavior, especially with those around us.Chick here for more details about un curso de milagros mexico

One of the most important requirements of the fifth commandment, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself," is the uniting of man's righteousness to his neighbor's righteousness. Man can not justify the unrighteous behavior of his neighbor by appealing to his own righteousness. This verse says that we must accept the character of our neighbor, and repent of the unrighteousness of our own.

Let us reflect upon the seriousness of the duty to love our neighbor as ourselves, and then let us look around us and see the efforts of our fellow brothers and sisters who are fighting to live righteous lives. Let us pray for the world, and let us ask the Lord to increase the love between us, and between all men and women, and let us continue to work together, because we have much to accomplish, and much to do.


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