Causes Of Premature Ejaculation And How To Stop It

Premature ejaculation (PE) is the premature ejaculation of semen during intercourse. It affects both men and women but is more common among men. Men may get PE along with sexual trauma, such as rape or other sexual assaults. Premature ejaculation doesn't usually develop until later in life, and its symptoms can be hard to recognize. A doctor may be the only person who can tell if premature ejaculation may be a problem.

SSRIs - Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors are the prescription medication that most doctors prescribe for premature ejaculation. These antidepressants usually have severe side effects, including sexual dysfunction. Some antidepressants also cause dizziness, agitation, nausea, fever, and muscle pain. Also, there is the risk of depression. Taking these antidepressants for an extended period of time is very risky. Also, this type of therapy can produce substantial side effects, so it is not the safest therapy for PE.

SSRIs work by changing how the brain responds to pleasurable stimuli, making it less sensitive to pleasure and desensitizing it to pain. Over time, this decreases sensitivity and the amount of ejaculatory control that the body has. As a result, it becomes harder to stop once it starts, which means that it usually happens sooner rather than later. Also, these antidepressants have some of the same side effects that can be associated with sexually addictive behaviors like pornography. So while they can help delay ejaculation, they also can lead to problems like sexual dysfunction, compulsions, and even addiction.

Other behavioral methods include desensitization and masturbation training. This may be an option for you if your doctor believes that your condition is caused by PE. This involves gradually increasing the amount of time and effort that you spend with your partner, until you are able to last for about 20 minutes without climaxing. It can take some time to get used to, so you should plan to make it fun and interesting for you and your partner. Click here for more details about 日本藤素

Many people also turn to natural supplements, like herbs and vitamins, in hopes of treating their PE. However, these supplements are only effective if they are paired with an actual PE treatment. The most common psychological distress that leads to ejaculatory problems is stress, so a supplement may not solve your problem if your PE is caused by psychological distress. Also, because these herbs and vitamins must pass through the digestive system before being absorbed into the body, they can have unpleasant side effects, such as nausea and diarrhea.

Premature ejaculation affects millions of men, both males and females, and it is very common. In fact, one in every eleven males has experienced it at least once in their lives. It is slightly more common among younger men, and it begins to become noticeable to women at approximately 30 years old. Fortunately, there are several different treatments available, including the variety of penis enlargement devices now available on the market, but if you have never had premature ejaculation treatment before, it's best to start out with a natural herbal supplement.


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